Tuesday, 25 April 2017

The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan - Book Review

Star Rating: ✮✮✮✮✮ 

 Storyline - 

"The capital has fallen...
Field Marshal Tamas returns to his beloved country to find that for the first time in history, the capital city of Adro lies in the hands of a foreign invader. His son is missing, his allies are indistinguishable from his foes, and reinforcements are several weeks away.

An army divided...
With the Kez still bearing down upon them and without clear leadership, the Adran army has turned against itself. Inspector Adamat is drawn into the very heart of this new mutiny with promises of finding his kidnapped son.

All hope rests with one...
And Taniel Two-shot, hunted by men he once thought his friends, must safeguard the only chance Adro has of getting through this war without being destroyed...

THE AUTUMN REPUBLIC is the epic conclusion that began with Promise of Blood and The Crimson Campaign
." - Goodreads

Review -

The Autumn Republic immediately follows the events of 'The Crimson Campaign'. It follows the ventures of several characters, mainly Tamas, Taniel, and Adamat, which gives it an intricate story line.

I wish there had been more focus on the development on the history of this world. There were a lot of blank areas when it came to how Privileged and Powder Mage powers worked. You get a small taste of the Privileged powers when Bo explains them to Nila, but outside of that you only know they're the most powerful sorcerers in the world. I feel McClellan missed a big world building opportunity here. He also doesn't explain why Powder Mages consume gun powder in different ways, and the only other mage who is mentioned "snorting" powder outside of Tamas and Taniel, is Andriya. Even though these holes in information don't effect the story, it could have made it so much better.

The themes in this series often reminded me of the American Civil War, where guns are a relatively new development and can only be loaded with one bullet, making swords a vital weapon in combat. Making Powder Mages rare and dangerous.

I definitely recommend this to those who enjoyed The Left Hand of God, but want something more fast paced. 

💜 MetalandTeacups

Information -

Format: Paperback 
: 131 x 198 x 40mm | 374g 
Pages: 577

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